Content Management System
- Designing PHP-MySql based frame work
- PHP script programming
- Mysql database Configuration for dynamic pages
- Visual Theme designing, modification, editing
- Integration of XML files and RSS Feed.
- PHP-MySql based powerful search interface and facilities
The CMS can have a range of features according to your requirements
- Membership based or open access control facility. Member login to membership area
- Front end Admin/moderator/editor interfaces for website management/updation
- Create new webpages, delete and edit webpages
- Upload and insert images, phot galleries
- Easy to use powerful WYWIWYG editor
- Metadata title tags, page descriptions, keywords
- Ability to move pages and change page order in menu
- HTML button (view and edit HTML inside WYSIWYG editor)
- Print this page feature
- File Manager for pdf files, Word documents, audio and video files
- Archive
- Polls/ Surveys
- Discussion Boards and forums
- RSS feeds
- Automatic content categorisation
- Restricted access (site members only) areas
- Feed back Form/ Option for custom forms
- Interface for News section
- Interface for content update
- Photo gallery (self managed – if needed)
- Video integration and gallery
- Audio integration and section
- Basic Search Engine Optimisation (Site structure, Content, Pages, Metatags, Titletags, Key words)
- W3C Validation (Validation is subjected to the contents)
- XML sitemap for Search Engine.
- Complete Site Search
- Searchable Databases and directories for Admin
- Admin can check the edited/uploaded/contributed contents/article by editors/authorised users on respective dates and time.
- Admin can authorise certain users to add/edit contains in certain/limited sections of the website.